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Juicy, Whole, Alive and Complete: A Replenishment and Writing 7 Week Course for Sur-Thrivers


Waitlist now open to honor this 7 days of Madame Pele’s eruption of Kīlauea! Limited 8 slots open once a week from October 14- November 25th, 2021

Blessings Kindred,

I led a simple sacral chakra/ wombspace process at last night’s monthly Our Medicine is Resistance New Moon Circle and in the intimacy and tenderness of this decolonial and anti-patriarchal container consecrated to Sagrada Femenina… Many survivors wept with this renewal. I realized with embarrassment that it’s not my heart or my throat chakra that is so often overlooked and unheard. It is the potency power, divine sexuality in the right to pleasure and creativity … it’s the sacral chakra that doesn’t get listened to. She is made invisible by those uncomfortable of her wounds and grieving. The Sacral Chakra is the BIWOC sister in the room, full of brilliance and beauty if only believed and beloved… I am committed to Her.

As my daughter said last week when taking abolitionist educator survivors to the beach to make ofrenda to Iemanjá “I don’t need convincing Mommy, I’m already committed”. To honor my child and myself during the 7 week countdown to my 40th birthday… I am listening to the voice of my womb, listening to the plant medicines and the ancestors and bathing chosen community with the orange glow of love and possibility. We will dive deep through Jaguar medicine to step softly through darkness with no fear, bloom widely with the medicine of the Divine Rose and culminate with the medicine of the Guiding Star, the Wishing Star to step forward with OUR stories, our truths and pains and fierce illuminating love.

A little conocimiento: As my child is 13, in this huge transition phase, I hold my 13 year old self with tenderness with the death I experienced of a beloved teacher who guided my love for theater. 20 years ago I led an API theater group focusing on monologue development. In my 20’s, I was in multiple performances of Vagina Monologues on college campuses and in the Filipino community of San Francisco. In 2008, 11 days before I gave birth to my child, I directed “Export Quality: True Stories based on true stories of Mail Order Brides” at SF State University. In my 30’s motherhood has predominated my entire being. In my shift from activism to completing my Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am grounded in the concrete material conditions of the women, children and 2 Spirit/ Mahu/ Queer folx that I treat with ancestral medicines. I listen to our people’s stories all day, everyday. These stories are not mine to tell, but in metamorphosis process of what nourishing wisdom we are returning to, of all that we are stepping forward into being I invite you to apply for this waitlist and share what draws you to this offering.

Sliding scale based on income $50- $143 per week with discounts if paid in full ( $333, $555 or $999) for 7 weeks and optional mentorship, medicine work and 1-on-1 support.

Info sessions at:

  • 12noon PST on Friday, October 8 to honor Ben/ Aj the nagual of the guiding light of the family and home- my daysign in the Mayan Tzolk’in

  • 9am PST on Saturday, October 9 to honor I’x - the nagual of women and the jaguar

  • 9am PST on Wednesday, October 13 to honor Etznab/ Tijax - the nagual of the Obsidian Knife

Links to info sessions will be sent via upon completion of waitlist form.

With gratitude and trust,
