Our Medicine is Resistance - Ix Healing Circle


This is a love letter to my survivor sisters.

As much of my one-on-one medicine work is hidden, I am reflecting on how much healing sexual trauma from the somatic body has surfaced in 2020. As an ofrenda we will be holding a Survivors Healing Circle consecrated to Ix -the nagual of women in the Mayan Tzolk’in.

For our sisters feeling called to release this trauma.

For our sisters who want to honor and acknowledge these invisible wounds as a practice of safety.

For the many mothers and grandmothers who’ve asked me in Alaska, in Oklahoma, in Mindanao how to prepare for when their girl-child is raped.

For the mamas struggling to release guilt and shame of not being able to protect their daughters from the same trauma they experienced.

For capitalism fetishizes our numbness and learning to feel again and not disassociate from our womb space is a radical act.

For our reclaiming of sovereignty of our womb space.

To grieve and honor the sacredness of this temple to Sagrada Femenina.

Our Medicine Is Resistance - is an anti-patriarchal, decolonizing space which centers the experience of BIWOC. This is a study of replenishment & liberation, for women of color to heal collectively with the intimacy of being held by another woman’s .

If you feel called please email rossamedicine@gmail.com for an invite.